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About Our Church

St. Marcellus
Church History

According to Diocese archives, the origia Chapel was completed in 1909.  Marcel DeRourn donated the land for the Chapel and the land which stand the new church, hall, and cemetery.


The Bishop named St. Marcel's Chapel after the first century Saint from France.  In the 1950s, the Bishop changed the name to St. Marcellus Church, after a third century Pope.  Masses were weekly starting in 1934, and around 1960, weekday masses were introduced.

the Faith

While typically thought of as an older demographical parish, leadership and Parishioners alike have taken on the task of youth involvement and recruitment.


The success can be found in the church's Youth Group, Children of Mary, Catechism, and children's church.



Located in the heart of Cajun country, the church has a base of very active practicing Catholics.


The Avery Island and Rynella areas compose most of the belonging members of the church.   The parishioners are known to be warm and accepting people that welcome all to join them in praise and worship.

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